He was born on 16 March 1958, Place: 30 N 09 78 E 47 Time: not Known.
An attempt is being made to find/rectify the time of birth of Ex CDS.
The major event happened on 8th December when he died along with his wife in a chopper crash, this event along with his high profile military career was kept in mind.
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BIPIN RAWAT CDS: Death of husband and wife at same time

For any horoscope the 3rd house from the Ascendant is the Karak for death and the 8th house from the ascendant is the significator of death.The lord of the 1st and 5th house or their samdharmi / planet placed in them are more eager to give death. Similarly if we treat the 7th house as that of spouse then the lord of 9th house is karak for her death and lord of 2nd house is significator of death and the lord of 7th and 11th or their samdharmi / planets placed in them are more eager to give death to the spouse.
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For an accident we use the 2nd house as karak and the 7th house as the significator for accident. The lord of 4th and 12th house their samdharmi or planets placed in them will be keen to give the event.
On the date of the event it is Saturn Mahadasa and Rahu Antardasa.
Saturn is lord of the 2nd that is the karak house Rahu is samdharmi to Saturn, the event took place in Saturn MD and Rahu AD.Mars is the lord of 4th house and also eager to give the event.This Mars is samdharmi to Saturn.
The placement of Saturn the lord of the 2nd house in the 12th house of the horoscope makes it very eager to give the result.
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I will first discuss the astrological reasoning which gave Bipin Rawat CDS scratchless narrow escape from this accident.
1. 2nd house is Karak for accidents.......marked as 'A' in the above chart.
2. 7th house is the significator house for accidents....marked as 'B'.
3. 11th house is marked as 'C' and is a supportive house to B.
4. 4th house is marked as 'D' its lord/it's samdharmi/planets placed in it are eager to give the result of 'B'.
5. 12th house is marked as 'E' its lord/it's samdharmi/planets placed in it are
eager to give the result of 'B'.
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T20 Cricket World Cup 2021

Finally we have 4 semifinalist team for the T20 Cricket World Cup 2021. It is indeed Sad that India did not had a good time at the ongoing tournament. I’m giving my best shot to predict the Winner of this T20 World Cup 2021 with Option Theory as propounded by Rajendra Nimje.
Following are the options( I have ranked the team as per the points and net run rate) Pakistan gets the 1st position as they have won all their match’s England gets the 2nd Position as they have won 4 out of 5 match and their net run rate is +2.464 Australia gets the 3rd Position as they have won 4 out of 5 match and their net run rate is +1.216 New Zealand gets 4th Position as they have won 4 out of 5 match and their net run rate is +1.162
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Following are the options( I have ranked the team as per the points and net run rate) Pakistan gets the 1st position as they have won all their match’s England gets the 2nd Position as they have won 4 out of 5 match and their net run rate is +2.464 Australia gets the 3rd Position as they have won 4 out of 5 match and their net run rate is +1.216 New Zealand gets 4th Position as they have won 4 out of 5 match and their net run rate is +1.162


DOB: 13 November 1997.
TOB: 14:00 PM Rectified to 14:15pm.
LONG: 77 E 13 LAT: 28 N 39
ASCENDANT: Aquarius 24 degree 14 min.
1. Ascendant lord Saturn in Marak house with zero bindus [2nd house] this is not a good position and will make him devote his life selflessly for the welfare of the public at large and will be more interested to have respect and honour from the society rather than accumulating money
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1. Ascendant lord Saturn in Marak house with zero bindus [2nd house] this is not a good position and will make him devote his life selflessly for the welfare of the public at large and will be more interested to have respect and honour from the society rather than accumulating money

The Narcotic Control Bureau arrest of Aryan Khan will have a massive impact on his personality.
SATYAMEVA JAYATE as printed on the treasury bill of India means " THE TRUTH ONLY TRIUMPHS" DESCRIPTION: "Truth only triumphs, not falsehood. Through truth the divine path is spread out, by which the Sages whose desire have been completely fulfilled, reach to where is that Supreme Treasure of TRUTH" The above will become slogan and motto of Aryan Khan and he will spend his whole life for it which will give him respect in society. His dedication will be acknowledged by the Government and he will receive honours.
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SATYAMEVA JAYATE as printed on the treasury bill of India means " THE TRUTH ONLY TRIUMPHS" DESCRIPTION: "Truth only triumphs, not falsehood. Through truth the divine path is spread out, by which the Sages whose desire have been completely fulfilled, reach to where is that Supreme Treasure of TRUTH" The above will become slogan and motto of Aryan Khan and he will spend his whole life for it which will give him respect in society. His dedication will be acknowledged by the Government and he will receive honours.

When is Aryan Khan's Bail?

When is Aryan Khan's Bail?
The total combined number comes as 49184-see the no table
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The total combined number comes as 49184-see the no table
Shahrukh Khan Son's Arrest

Shahrukh Khan DOB: 2 November 1965
TOB: 3:15 am [morning]
PLACE: DELHI INDIA. Long: 77E13 Lat: 28N39
1. The event is related to his 5th house [Capricorn] on the date of the event Jupiter the lord of the 4th house [12th from 5th house] is transiting the 5th house along with Saturn the 6th house lord. [In the natal chart Saturn gives ZERO bindu in Aquarius the 6th house of the natal chart from Sun and Moon ascendants]
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1. The event is related to his 5th house [Capricorn] on the date of the event Jupiter the lord of the 4th house [12th from 5th house] is transiting the 5th house along with Saturn the 6th house lord. [In the natal chart Saturn gives ZERO bindu in Aquarius the 6th house of the natal chart from Sun and Moon ascendants]

Shahrukh Khan BTR

Date of Birth: 2 November 1965
Time of Birth: 2:00 am / 2:30 am / 6:15 am [three different times reported]
Place of Birth: Delhi. India 77 E 13 long and 28 N 39 Lat
Therefore it is important to rectify time of birth before commenting on his chart.
Events Used for rectification of TOB; a] date of marriage: 25 Oct 1991 b] Date of birth of Aryan: 13 Nov 1997 c] Date of birth of daughter : 22 may 2000 d] Younger son particulars are not used [ human intervention birth] Ayanamsa used: 22:29:17
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Events Used for rectification of TOB; a] date of marriage: 25 Oct 1991 b] Date of birth of Aryan: 13 Nov 1997 c] Date of birth of daughter : 22 may 2000 d] Younger son particulars are not used [ human intervention birth] Ayanamsa used: 22:29:17


1.In my previous Blog I have written about ongoing planetary war, the emergence of corona virus and resultant deaths. My present writeup is in continuation of the previous ones but now concentrating on the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction which will occur on 21 December 2020.
2.Saturn and Jupiter will become direct in mid and end September as a result the decline in human death seen so far since mid May 2020 may accelerate again because of disease/famine/draught/natural calamities and WAR.
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2.Saturn and Jupiter will become direct in mid and end September as a result the decline in human death seen so far since mid May 2020 may accelerate again because of disease/famine/draught/natural calamities and WAR.


1.Take these buckets as containers of different size in relation to their speed,for example if we take a month as a unit then we can say Moon [1 unit] Sun [12 units]
Jupiter [144 units] Saturn [360 units] and likewise for other planets.
2.When these planets are moving towards the ascendant they are bringing happiness and good fortune.[of course depending upon the horoscope of an individual] This is the time where the proverb"make hay while the sun shines" fits exactly.
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2.When these planets are moving towards the ascendant they are bringing happiness and good fortune.[of course depending upon the horoscope of an individual] This is the time where the proverb"make hay while the sun shines" fits exactly.

Jhora/KAS software

Astrologers using Jhora find their charts slightly different than those drawn by KAS software which now is not available except to patrons of Ash Ji.
However Astrologers can draw charts from another site: www.12divisions.com.
This writeup is for those Astrologers who would like to use Jhora but would like to have chart and calculations as per KAS.
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This writeup is for those Astrologers who would like to use Jhora but would like to have chart and calculations as per KAS.


All school of thought in Vedic Astrology consider/refer to 3,6,10 and 11 houses as UPACHAYA HOUSES from the ascendant/karak house. These houses are responsible for the growth/expansion and are distinguishable by their superiority. No previous available text explains the reason behind their selection except a generalised statement that its their observation.
The scope of study is limited to identifying the reason behind selection of these particular houses as Upachaya Houses from the Ascendant/karak house.
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The scope of study is limited to identifying the reason behind selection of these particular houses as Upachaya Houses from the Ascendant/karak house.


According to the teachings of Guru Krushna Ji VENUS is spoiled when it is within 3 degrees of the sun and also when it is 43 degrees 20 min away from the sun.I will try and explain how it happens and its importance in VEDIC ASTROLOGY.
WITHIN 3 DEGREE OF THE SUN When venus is moving between the Earth and Sun [ this conjunction can be both in direct and retrograde state] it becomes invisible to the naked eye from earth and is considered to have lost all its glamour and lust specially when it is within 3 degree. This is just like the MOON when it is two days before the new moon.
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WITHIN 3 DEGREE OF THE SUN When venus is moving between the Earth and Sun [ this conjunction can be both in direct and retrograde state] it becomes invisible to the naked eye from earth and is considered to have lost all its glamour and lust specially when it is within 3 degree. This is just like the MOON when it is two days before the new moon.

Tough time ahead for KPS. Oli of Nepal?

Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, more commonly known as KP Sharma Oli, is a Nepalese politician and the current Prime Minister of Nepal. Oli previously served as the prime minister from 11 October 2015 to 3 August 2016 and was the first elected prime minister under the newly adopted Constitution of Nepal, and currently he is serving as PM for Nepal the 2nd time.
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Sushanth’s Suicide - A case study

Recently, the sudden suicide incident of Hindi film actor Sushanth Singh Rajput has shaken us all. This write up answers: What astrological factors played a role in his decision to commit suicide? Can we see suicide before it happens to natives in their charts? If so, how to time it from the charts? What type/kind of suicide would be adopted by the native?
Actor Sushanth birth details are not available. So, we have to depend on Luminaries to decide his ascendant or we have to check the rare method of different types of stars from those luminaries.
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Actor Sushanth birth details are not available. So, we have to depend on Luminaries to decide his ascendant or we have to check the rare method of different types of stars from those luminaries.

Boarder issues

We are aware of the present Indo-China border issues. Before we dwell into its astrological angles, let me brief you a small bit about it first.
The word DRAGON has its own special meaning apart from its mythological and dictionarical ones. China owing to its dragon symbolism is famous for dragging any issue decades together without solving them.
“Drag-on” is that special meaning in our present topic.
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The word DRAGON has its own special meaning apart from its mythological and dictionarical ones. China owing to its dragon symbolism is famous for dragging any issue decades together without solving them.
“Drag-on” is that special meaning in our present topic.


1.In vedic astrology there are 3 school of thought regarding the recording of the time of birth of a child.
a] When the child comes out of the mother womb.[this is mostly accepted and in use]
b] When you hear the first cry of the child.[I follow this]
c] The time when the umbilical cord is cut.
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a] When the child comes out of the mother womb.[this is mostly accepted and in use]
b] When you hear the first cry of the child.[I follow this]
c] The time when the umbilical cord is cut.


The nagging question of the present world is “when would COVID-19 subside and fully be eradicated?” Before we see the reasons for it, let me give you some basic understanding about it. It’s not about how eclipses form but on how to count the number of eclipses in a year according to the Hindu almanac method.
Acc to almanacs, the Indian new year of chaitra shukla patipa [CSP] runs till the next -CSP. That is one full year counted acc to almanac.
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Acc to almanacs, the Indian new year of chaitra shukla patipa [CSP] runs till the next -CSP. That is one full year counted acc to almanac.

How to see Divorce or separation in the horoscope

Marriage is a very beautiful experience in person's life where person find their life partner and live happily by lifetime. In our indian culture it is said that marriages are made in heaven.
A happy married life give prosperity and happiness. but what when the person is facing marital disharmony and problem in married life. Lot of divorce and separation cases are increasing in our society due to many reasons.
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A happy married life give prosperity and happiness. but what when the person is facing marital disharmony and problem in married life. Lot of divorce and separation cases are increasing in our society due to many reasons.


In our previous post we mentioned that a state of cease fire may be witnessed with the retrogression of Saturn on 11 May 2020 followed by retrogression of Jupiter on 15 May 2020.
The second post was intentionally delayed to observe that the affairs were moving as foretold by us in our first post.
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The second post was intentionally delayed to observe that the affairs were moving as foretold by us in our first post.

CORONA and aspect of Saturn.

Below is the study by Mr. Hamid Sheikh on Corona Virus impact on Nations as per the Horoscope of the Rulers published on 5th April 2020.
I tried to study the Corona Virus although have good reasons to explain the present scenario astrologically but could not match or co relate the astrological combination which could justify previous such events in history so that future such events could be predicted.
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I tried to study the Corona Virus although have good reasons to explain the present scenario astrologically but could not match or co relate the astrological combination which could justify previous such events in history so that future such events could be predicted.

What Horoscope says about Education

Every parents are generally worried about the education for their children and that's why sometimes parents goes to astrologer and ask about the question related to education like How will be the education or if there is a chance of higher education in the chart ? which subject is to be taken for the better future of the child ? Sometimes the planetary position doesn't support education then what should we do ?
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To understand the Corona Virus we need to go back to 15 march 2019 when Jupiter enters its mooltricon sign Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra ruled by Ketu,here it finds Saturn in its house in Purvashadha nakshatra ruled by Venus which is natural samdharmi [friend] of Saturn.This placement of Saturn in mooltricon house of Jupiter results in enmity between Saturn n Jupiter.
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