All school of thought in Vedic Astrology consider/refer to 3,6,10 and 11 houses as UPACHAYA HOUSES from the
ascendant/karak house. These houses are responsible for the growth/expansion and are distinguishable by their
superiority. No previous available text explains the reason behind their selection except a generalised statement
that its their observation.
The scope of study is limited to identifying the reason behind selection of these particular houses
as Upachaya Houses from the Ascendant/karak house.
Please refer to LESSON No:1 by Guru Krushana Ji, where it states that a total of 337 benefic points are distributed
by all the planets relative to the Ascendant [karak house] and relative to its own position as well as
relative position of other planets in the chart. These are:
. Sun[48]
. Moon[49]
. Mars[39]
. Mercury[54]
. Venus[52]
. Jupiter[56], and
. Saturn [39]
We take the example of SUN which distributes 48 benefic points relative to the ascendant/karak
house,itself and relative to other planets.
. Ascendant/karak house: 3,4,6,10,11,12.
. SUN…………………………….: 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11
. MOON ………………………..: 3,6,10,11
. MARS………………………….: 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11
. MERCURY……………………: 3,5,6,9,10,11,12
. VENUS……………………….: 6,7,12
. JUPITER…………………….: 5,6,9,11
. SATURN……………………..: 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11
We know planet position keeps on changing relative to each other and from chart to chart
therefore cannot have a constant behavior for our study of UPACHAYA HOUSES which are fixed as 3-6-10-11
However the distribution of benefic points relative to the ascendant/karak house is fixed and does
not change as this distribution is not dependent on the position of planets in a chart but rather it is
fixed to relative position from the ascendant/karak house. Therefore we will only study distribution
relative to the ascendant/karak house.
Planets will give benefic points in houses as listed below for all horoscopes.
. SUN……………:3,4,6,10,11,12
. MOON……….:3,6,10,11
. MARS…………:1,3,6,10,11
. MERCURY…..:1,2,4,6,8,10,11
. VENUS………..:1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11
. JUPITER………:1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,11
. SATURN………:1,3,4,6,10,11
A total of 45 benefic points are distributed by all the planets as MAPPED BELOW:
House wise they are as listed below: [ House number/benefic points ]
1/5, 2/3, 3/5, 4/5, 5/2, 6/6, 7/1, 8/2,9/2, 10/6, 11/7, and 12/1.
In this distribution we observe that houses 1,3,6,10 and 11 have more bindus/benefic points and
stand above the rest these are named as ABCDE by Krushana Ji. THEREFORE FROM ANY
LESSON NO 8 PAGE NO:53 [points 19,20,21,22]
Only Saturn can give zero in the 2nd,5th,7th,8th,9th and 12th house if it is situated in those houses
[no other planet can have zero points in the place where it is situated]
Saturn is the only planet which does not give a bindu to the house in which it is placed. In our
above study we observe that no planet gives a bindu to Saturn in the 2nd,5th,7th,8th,9th,and 12th
house relative to the ascendant/karak house. Therefore in any natal chart we may find Saturn
giving a zero in the above mentioned houses if it is placed in these houses.
Mars can give zero points for 2nd,4th,5th,7th,8th,9th,and 12th house only when it is not in those houses.
Mars can give zero in above houses when it is not placed in these houses [Mars itself does not give a
bindu in these houses] and no other planet gives a bindu in the above houses relative to the
ascendant/karak house. Therefore Mars can have a zero in these houses only.
No planet can give zero points in the 11th house.
All planets give a bindu in the 11th house as relative to the ascendant/karak house. Therefore it is
not possible that any planet can give zero in the 11th house, [Here I remember that we in India
often say “Even an insect under the stone is fed by the creator”.
Only Venus can give zero bindu in the 10th house.
All planets except Venus give benefic point to the 10th house relative to the ascendant/karak house
therefore only Venus can give zero in the 10th house.