
BIPIN RAWAT CDS: Death of husband and wife at same time

BIPIN RAWAT CDS: Death of husband and wife at same time
Vedic Mythology Natal Chart

1. For any horoscope the 3rd house from the Ascendant is the Karak for death and the 8th house from the
ascendant is the significator of death.The lord of the 1st and 5th house or their samdharmi / planet placed in them
are more eager to give death. Similarly if we treat the 7th house as that of spouse then the lord of 9th house
is karak for her death and lord of 2nd house is significator of death and the lord of 7th and 11th or their samdharmi /
planets placed in them are more eager to give death to the spouse.

2. The planets will give the result of the 4th or 8th house from their ownership or placement.

3. Now referring to the chart of CDS Bipin Rawat his lord of 11th house[ Mars ]
is placed in the ascendant here it will give the result of the 8th house [death of husband] as the same time this Mars
is lord of 11th house therefore as lord of 11th house it will give the result of the 2nd house which signifies death of

4. LAW OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY: When a chart has the 5th lord in the 7th house[3rd from its own house] or the 11th
lord in the Ascendant [3rd from its ownership] the couple dies in the same Antardasa.

5. Detailed explanation regarding the accident and death of the couple will be written in a separate Blog.
This BLOG had been due efforts of Joint Study of Hamid Sheikh & Sukirti Kakkar

Hamid Sheikh
Vedic Astrologer
Calgary, Canada
Sukirti Kakkar
Vedic Astrologer