Krushana Ashtakavarga System is used in analyzing the event.
1. For an accident we use the 2nd house as karak and the 7th house as the significator for accident. The lord of 4th
and 12th house their samdharmi or planets placed in them will be keen to give the event.
2. On the date of the event it is Saturn Mahadasa and Rahu Antardasa.
Saturn is lord of the 2nd that is the karak house Rahu is samdharmi to Saturn, the event took place in Saturn MD
and Rahu AD.Mars is the lord of 4th house and also eager to give the event.This Mars is samdharmi to Saturn.
The placement of Saturn the lord of the 2nd house in the 12th house of the horoscope makes it very eager to give
the result.
The running antardasa lord Rahu is samdharmi to Saturn. So the placement of planets and the MD and AD
favour the event of accident.
3. Now according to the Astakavarga System we check the WORKSHEET points of the following houses 3,7,6 and 8.
a] 3rd house points 10 represents LIFE
b] 7th house points 13 represents ACCIDENT
c] 6th house points 8 represents TREATMENT/RECOVERY
d] 8th house points 30. represents DEATH.
4.The accident takes place in low worksheet points for the 7th house and there has not been any treatment because
the points in the 6th house are low.
The 3rd house which represents life has very low worksheet points whereas points in the 8th house of death are very
high confirming the death.
May GOD bless their souls.