Date of Birth: 2 November 1965
Time of Birth: 2:00 am / 2:30 am / 6:15 am [three different times reported]
Place of Birth: Delhi. India 77 E 13 long and 28 N 39 Lat
Therefore it is important to rectify time of birth before commenting on his chart.
Events Used for rectification of TOB;
a] date of marriage: 25 Oct 1991
b] Date of birth of Aryan: 13 Nov 1997
c] Date of birth of daughter : 22 may 2000
d] Younger son particulars are not used [ human intervention birth]
Ayanamsa used: 22:29:17
The above mentioned events do not match with any of the time available with Leo / Libra Ascendants.
Therefore I focused on Virgo ascendant and by fine tuning came to the conclusion that he was born at 3:15 am having 2 degrees and 37 min Virgo Ascendant.
Mahadasha: Jupiter
Antardasha: Jupiter
When the Sun transited in Libra and Nakshatra ruled by Jupiter between 6 - 15 Nov 1991. [ actual marriage date: 25 Oct 1991]
The few days error because the Pandits decided 25 Oct when when Moon will be exalted]
No child in the antardasa of Jupiter because its lord of 12th house from the 5th house.
No child in the antardasha of Saturn because it is aspecting the 12th house [ karak for children] by 7th sight.
God gave him a male child in the Antardasha of Mercury the lord of the 10th house. [ the antardasa of the 10th lord gives male child]
Mahadasha: Jupiter.
Antardasha: Mercury.
When Sun transited in the third house from the Karak house of children that is Libra and Nakshatra ruled by Jupiter. [between 6 - 15 November]
Date of Birth of Son: 13 nov 1997.
No child was born in the Ketu antardasha as it was not supportive for child birth.
God gave him a female child in the antardasha of Venus which is the lord of his 2nd house and gives female child.
Mahadasha: Jupiter.
Antardasa: Venus.
When Sun transit in Taurus [the supportive house to his 5th house and have the same nakshatras] and nakshatra ruled by Sun [ 15 - 24 May].
Date of Birth of daughter: 22 May 2000.
Therefore it is concluded that he may have been born on 2 November 1965 at 3:15 am in Delhi.India.