Astrologers using Jhora find their charts slightly different than those drawn by KAS software which now is not available except to patrons of Ash Ji. However Astrologers can draw charts from another site: This writeup is for those Astrologers who would like to use Jhora but would like to have chart and calculations as per KAS. STEP ONE: Go to PREFERENCES and open "Related to calculations" then click AYANAMSA. a] Select: TRUE LAHIRI / CHITRAPAKSHA [Spice in middle of Chitra always]. b] Click and opt for SUBTRACT and fill the column 00 degree 51 minutes and 54 seconds. c] Click OK to save the changes.STEP TWO: Go to PREFERENCES and click to select "Astakavarga Calculation Option" this will open "Astakavarga Calculation Preferences". a] If you find any options clicked then UNCLICK them. b] Click OK to save the changes. These changes will give you Astakavarga Calculations as per Varahamihira which are used by KAS.
When you draw a chart after doing the above then the chart along with SAV and BAV values will be as used by KRUSHANA ASTAKAVARGA SYSTEM.