
Tough time ahead for KPS. Oli of Nep1l?

Tough time ahead for KPS. Oli of Nepal?
Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, more commonly known as KP Sharma Oli, is a Nepalese politician and the current Prime Minister of Nepal. Oli previously served as the prime minister from 11 October 2015 to 3 August 2016 and was the first elected prime minister under the newly adopted Constitution of Nepal, and currently he is serving as PM for Nepal the 2nd time.

There has been a growing rift in the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) in Nepal over demands of resignation of Prime Minister KP Oli, who has been facing heat from his party colleagues for straining ties with India and reports of China encroaching almost 33 hectares of Nepalese land through road construction in Tibet. As per his astrological chart, he is facing a turbulent time from 7th July to 28th July of 2020. Let me show his chart and dasa here for your easy understanding.

DOB-FEB22-1952 / @Tehrathum, Nepal / TOB-12Hrs-52Mnts-42 Sec[Aprox]

His Saturn maha dasa started from 15-06-2020. He is the 3-4thlord of the natal chart, placed in the 11th house from the lagna Scorpio. The same Saturn is in his 3rd house of Capricorn at the present transit. Saturn is under retro in the natal chart. Such Saturn is also in the 8th house from the natal 4th house of throne [simhasana], but placed in the 12th from natal 4th of such throne in transit. Transit and natal Saturn is aspecting his 5th house of crown. So, both his seat of power and crown of kingship are under trouble during Saturn-Saturn MD-AD. Oli is in the 3rd portion of his 7 ½ years of Saturn, an added disadvantage to his power seat and crown. His natal 9th lord of royal seal moon is in 12th from transit dasa nadha. Saturn acts as a worse obstacle for him to retain his present PM post.

So, his 4-5-9 is spoiled badly due to transit Saturn. The present Saturn-Saturn-Saturn paves way for adverse conditions from his fellow party people till 13th July, 2020. After this, the natal 8th lord Mercury’s [sat-sat-mer] period will be hotter to Oli’s reign. This falls between July 13th 2020 and 8th August, 2020, indicating he may quit or resign from his post before 28th July, 2020.

This BLOG had been due efforts of Joint Study of Hamid Sheikh & Sukirti Kakkar

Vedic Astrologer