ONE OF MY FRIENDS ASKED ME WILL ARYAN GET BAIL? I WAS ALSO INTERESTED IN HIS QUESTION AND LOOKED INTO IT THROUGH NUMERO PRASHNA METHOD. The total combined number comes as 49184-see the no table The resultant number 1 i.e. sun hemmed between 3 malefics Mars-Saturn-Rahu. Here the nos 6-4 represents Venus and Rahu. So probably he will get bail after 35 days only. That is after 8thnov-2021. By this date he is under Jup-Ketu-Mer-Sun. Note His resultant no is also 1 here. 5 indicates Mercury who is the helping sources. 4 is Rahu / 9 is Mars / 8 is Saturn. Prashna Maha Dasa is Jupiter. Both Rahu and Jupiter under the aspect of Mars. Jup-Ket-Satn-Mars given the arrest event. On the day of Raid, the Ascendant was Scorpio [watery sign shows cruise] with Venus [lavish vehicles and lavish party and female elements] and Ketu under the aspect of Rahu [drugs]![]()